Friday, October 29, 2010

End of school. 2011 is coming.

Hello 2T1 ,
Its end of the year already ,
everybody happy ? hope you all do so.
i hope that you guys have been very happy
all this while with 2T1 & had alot of fun &
alot of trips or learning journey.
most of the classmates promoted to sec 3T1 isn't?
hope that you all success in future & study hard !
we'll like to write some dedications to

Ms Nur Firdaus & Mdm Mo Haihong ,
Thanks for being with us this whole year , thanks for teaching us & understand us for this whole year .. thank you so much for tolerating our nonsense & thank you very much & hope that you're still our teacher next year .

& Thanks for the rest of the subjects teacher this year who teach us.
All the best 2T1 ! Study hard.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Hi there my BIG "babies"..

Sorry for blog-crashing your blog.. Hahaha..
Just wanted to say I've learnt so much more about you guys and gals during this camp..
As much as I dread being in the hot weather, I have to say I truly enjoyed the camp as it gave me an opportunity to bond more with you guys..
I am so touched to see how far all of you will go to help your dear classmates..
Some of you (Harith, Syafiq & Kayen) actually volunteered to piggyback your friends when they were unwell during the walk and took good care of those who were scared or injured during the camp.
I am tremendously proud of you guys for haivng CARING HEARTS!!
This camp has made me realised how united you guys have grown despite the differences you all had before..
My dear class leaders you all have done well in uniting the class as ONE!!
Just want all of you to know, I am TRULY grateful..

Thank you for making me a teacher who's proud of her students,
Thank you for helping me in every possible way,
Thank you for the laughter and sorrow we've shared,
And thank you for being the most interesting students I can ever asked for...

Stay united and positive, all of you will achieve better than what you wish for!!!
Love y'all and live the best, meaningful life ever!!

Miss Nur (Rock On!! 2T1!!)


Can't believe it is the 2nd last day of our camp.. Sob Sob.. Yesterday was a super tiring day but we had the most fun participating in those activities.. After breakfast, we did our CIP by walking around the Lim Chu Kang area and picking up litter along the way.. We walked around 7km!! Phew!! It was so tiring and the weather was so hot.. Three of our classmates couldn't make it and had to be "rescued" by another instructor who took them back to the campsite and rested in the sickbay.. But the rest stayed united and completed the whole journey with a sense of accomplishment.. The weather was MADNESS!!
Today's lunch was more delicious than yesterday's.. The Sarimbun Challenge was next and it was pretty fun too!! We really had to decide and work well as a class to complete all the tasks given..
Finally, at night we had our campfire which was full of cheers and singing.. It was so enjoyable.. Our class cheer was led by Aizat and we cheered our hearts out!! We would like to shout out to our trainer, Mirzi for helping us compose the cheers.. Thanks a million Mirzi!!! Everyone almost lost their voices screaming and cheering at the top of their lungs during our campfire.. Our Class Monitor, Saifuddin did us proud by winning the dance competition!! Thumbs up Din!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


We survived Day 1!! Yahoo!! Everyone woke up early in the morning but some were late.. As it rained last night, the weather was super COOLING.. Whoa, it was so nice.. We had breakfast before we set off for our first activity..

We first climbed the "Low Wall".. It was so disgusting as we had to step on our friends' hands in order to reach the top of the wall and climb over it..We learnt how to work and communicate well as a team upon completing this activity..

The second activity of the day was the one which everyone was waiting for.. KAYAKING!! It was so fun as we got ourselves really WET!! It was really funny as some of our classmates had difficulty in controlling the kayak and they were sort of heading to JOHOR!! Hahaha!! We all had a good laugh that day thought all our arms were aching after all that paddling.. Joey and Kayen were the last to reach the shore.. But they tried their best in kayaking their way back.. Thumbs up to everyone for this activity!! The boys were really helpful as they helped the girls carry the heavy kayaks back to shore.. Next, we had to build rafts and paddle the raft into the sea to see if it floats.. We succeeded in making both rafts float in the sea..

Drum Roll.. Finally, we got to the Milo Pond!! The ever-so-famous pond in the campsite.. We all had fun dunking ourselves in the dirty and muddy water.. But we all had FUN!! At first, only a few boys wanted to try it out but eventually almost everyone participated..

After dinner, we had our Night Trail.. Some of the girls were really scared as we had to walk through the dark jungle in the middle of the night but we reached safely back to camp.. My classmates and I really helped each other out through the walk.. We gave instructions to ensure that our friends do not get injured or trip over the huge roots..


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Today is the first day of our Sec 2 Adventure Camp..
Miss Nur took a lot of pictures to capture our actions..

In the morning, it was a torturing time as everyone had to stand under the scorching sun for a very long time .
When we had to pitch our tents, the sun was totally burning our whole body, it became so hot & sticky!! Argh!!! Disgusting!!!

But after pitching the tents , we felt happy as we did it at last!!

Everybody was so hungry (GRRRR!!) when awaiting for our lunch.. After tent pitching was lunch..
Everybody was so excited to know what we are having for lunch!!
We had rice mixed with broccoli , fish & oranges for dessert..
The sad thing is that after eating we must wash our own plate, mug, spoon & fork.. Sigh ..
Guess what we played after lunch? Haha!! It's flying fox!!
Everybody was so excited but a lot of girls didn't manage to play as there was not enough time for the girls..
After that, HOHOHO!! Rock climbing!!
Do you know who's the first to go??
Kayen Leong Kai En (Can understand me or not???)..
Rock climbing was fun!!
The first climber to reach the top was Joey Fong while Syafiq came second!!
The last activity before showering was CRC!!
It was so FUN!!
Most of us are braver now and wanted to walk over the "Broken Bridge", "Petal Walking" & others!!
Here are the pictures to show our CONQUESTS for today!!