Thursday, July 29, 2010


Hi there my BIG "babies"..

Sorry for blog-crashing your blog.. Hahaha..
Just wanted to say I've learnt so much more about you guys and gals during this camp..
As much as I dread being in the hot weather, I have to say I truly enjoyed the camp as it gave me an opportunity to bond more with you guys..
I am so touched to see how far all of you will go to help your dear classmates..
Some of you (Harith, Syafiq & Kayen) actually volunteered to piggyback your friends when they were unwell during the walk and took good care of those who were scared or injured during the camp.
I am tremendously proud of you guys for haivng CARING HEARTS!!
This camp has made me realised how united you guys have grown despite the differences you all had before..
My dear class leaders you all have done well in uniting the class as ONE!!
Just want all of you to know, I am TRULY grateful..

Thank you for making me a teacher who's proud of her students,
Thank you for helping me in every possible way,
Thank you for the laughter and sorrow we've shared,
And thank you for being the most interesting students I can ever asked for...

Stay united and positive, all of you will achieve better than what you wish for!!!
Love y'all and live the best, meaningful life ever!!

Miss Nur (Rock On!! 2T1!!)