Wednesday, July 28, 2010


We survived Day 1!! Yahoo!! Everyone woke up early in the morning but some were late.. As it rained last night, the weather was super COOLING.. Whoa, it was so nice.. We had breakfast before we set off for our first activity..

We first climbed the "Low Wall".. It was so disgusting as we had to step on our friends' hands in order to reach the top of the wall and climb over it..We learnt how to work and communicate well as a team upon completing this activity..

The second activity of the day was the one which everyone was waiting for.. KAYAKING!! It was so fun as we got ourselves really WET!! It was really funny as some of our classmates had difficulty in controlling the kayak and they were sort of heading to JOHOR!! Hahaha!! We all had a good laugh that day thought all our arms were aching after all that paddling.. Joey and Kayen were the last to reach the shore.. But they tried their best in kayaking their way back.. Thumbs up to everyone for this activity!! The boys were really helpful as they helped the girls carry the heavy kayaks back to shore.. Next, we had to build rafts and paddle the raft into the sea to see if it floats.. We succeeded in making both rafts float in the sea..

Drum Roll.. Finally, we got to the Milo Pond!! The ever-so-famous pond in the campsite.. We all had fun dunking ourselves in the dirty and muddy water.. But we all had FUN!! At first, only a few boys wanted to try it out but eventually almost everyone participated..

After dinner, we had our Night Trail.. Some of the girls were really scared as we had to walk through the dark jungle in the middle of the night but we reached safely back to camp.. My classmates and I really helped each other out through the walk.. We gave instructions to ensure that our friends do not get injured or trip over the huge roots..