Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Today is the first day of our Sec 2 Adventure Camp..
Miss Nur took a lot of pictures to capture our actions..

In the morning, it was a torturing time as everyone had to stand under the scorching sun for a very long time .
When we had to pitch our tents, the sun was totally burning our whole body, it became so hot & sticky!! Argh!!! Disgusting!!!

But after pitching the tents , we felt happy as we did it at last!!

Everybody was so hungry (GRRRR!!) when awaiting for our lunch.. After tent pitching was lunch..
Everybody was so excited to know what we are having for lunch!!
We had rice mixed with broccoli , fish & oranges for dessert..
The sad thing is that after eating we must wash our own plate, mug, spoon & fork.. Sigh ..
Guess what we played after lunch? Haha!! It's flying fox!!
Everybody was so excited but a lot of girls didn't manage to play as there was not enough time for the girls..
After that, HOHOHO!! Rock climbing!!
Do you know who's the first to go??
Kayen Leong Kai En (Can understand me or not???)..
Rock climbing was fun!!
The first climber to reach the top was Joey Fong while Syafiq came second!!
The last activity before showering was CRC!!
It was so FUN!!
Most of us are braver now and wanted to walk over the "Broken Bridge", "Petal Walking" & others!!
Here are the pictures to show our CONQUESTS for today!!